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Calcite Powder Grinding Mills in Iran


On basis of many times experiments and improvement, introducing the latest mechanical techniques of Sweden, Zenith's high efficient calcite powder grinding mill, the latest industrial micro-powder grinding mill, is a new type grinding machine for producing micro-powder. Our caiclte powder milling machine plays great role in Iran.

Calcite powder grinding mill in Iran

Calcite grinding is the required process when size reduction of below 5-20 mm is needed. Grinding is a powdering or pulverizing process. Zenith supplies the right grinding solution to the clients every method and application.

The most suitable for calcite powder grinding is ultrafine grinding mill. Our ultrafine grinding mill is the ideal equipment to grind calcite, chalk, limetsone, dolomite, kaolin, gypsum, feldspar to micro powder between 47 ~ 5 microns, which features high efficiency, long lifetime of wearing parts, high safety and reliability, the product fineness can reach D97 ¡Ü 5¦Ìm and environment friendly.

The other machine can be used in calcite powder grinding is Raymond mill. Raymond mill is the traditional grinding mill, which can be used to grind non-flammable and non-explosive materials with Mohs hardness below 9.3 and moisture content below 6%, such as limetsone, gypsum, calcium carbonate, barite, calcite, feldspar, clinker, dolomite, silicon carbide, etc. Size of final products can be adjusted between 30-2500 mesh.


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